Shooting a science fiction film on the background of the alien landscapes of the Kola Peninsula, creating a comfortable environment for schoolchildren in the Tver region, improving the territory of a children's health camp on the Stavropol Territory and a park in the town of power engineers in the Sverdlovsk Region – all these important projects will be implemented by enthusiasts and activists supported by PJSC "EL5-Energo" .
All these projects have been selected as part of The First EL5-Energo Social Grants Competition. Our experts have reviewed all the 25 submitted social projects with keen interest and defined four of them as the most prospective and essential:
- Shooting an sci-fi movie within the film project "Another Planet" of ANO "Producer Center "Northern Character". One of the locations is the Kola wind farm territory. And this is not surprising at all - the breathtaking landscapes of these locations impress with their authenticity. This film will gain the hearts of the audience thanks to the beauty of the Kola region and attract more film projects to the Far North.
- "The goodness does not go on vacation." School No. 1 in the village of Redkino is a symbol of childhood and joy. Its school territory requires planting trees, arranging paths and a sports ground, erecting a monument to the inhabitants of Redkino who died in the line of duty.
- In the children's regional health camp "Zhuravlik" (Nevinnomyssk) it is planned to renovate a multifunctional playground, put a modern safe rubber coating thanks to which children will have a new high-quality space for sports and competitions.
- In Sredneuralsk not only the square in the area of Lenin and Uralskaya streets will be improved, but also the Park of Champions will be created, which will become a new place of attraction for the younger generation.
We believe that every project will support initiatives and energy of the local communities.
We plan to launch a new social competition in September 2023 to implement the valuable ideas of caring people for the sake of a common good goal and a worthy future.