One can long and enthusiastically watch space night pictures of the Earth, which capture the electric heartbeat of cities strewed on the planet.
Electricity is the engine of life for modern mankind and a source of new opportunities.
Today, humanity is at a turning point in its development, when it is necessary to make a decisive choice in favor of progress, rationality and life itself on Earth. The global climate agenda continues to point to new challenges and threats. However, the only solution lies in the rapid transition to low-carbon technologies, pollution reduction, environmentally sound production and consumption.
At the UN climate conference in Glasgow in November 2021, the global community unanimously declared that the next decade will be defining for humanity and will play a major role in curbing the effects of climate change and preventing the environmental, social and economic consequences of an increase in global average temperatures of more than by 1.5 ° C. And here electrification comes to the rescue.
At the beginning of the XX century electrification in Russia was determined by the appearance and introduction of an electric drive into industry, the emergence of electric transport, and the growth of electric lighting in cities. Power plants were built, for which local fuels, including coal, peat, shale, gas and wood, were mainly used. This is how the unified energy system of the country was formed.
In the second decade of the XXI century, electrification takes on a new meaning.
Today it is a transition to affordable, clean, stable and reliable power supply and a higher quality of the offered electrical services. In addition, electricity allows us to switch to “smart” and human-controlled consumption.
On a larger scale, the shift from direct fossil fuel use to electricity leads to a cleaner, healthier and safer environment by reducing pollutants. Today, electrification does not mean the use of any fuel in the process of energy production, but the most environmentally friendly one. And here renewables have no equal. Electricity from renewable energy sources (RES) is the only way to a truly sustainable and environmentally friendly energy system. No wonder every year it becomes more and more competitive.
Renewables play a leading role in the energy transition process. In November 2021, the Enel Group publicly announced that in order to further decarbonize and combat climate change, all electricity sold by the company will be produced from renewable sources by 2040 instead of the previously announced 2050.
Next-generation electrification is accelerating decarbonization processes, especially in those sectors that are considered to be the main sources of pollution. Cities also expect tangible effects from electrification by developing electric transport and its infrastructure, energy storage systems, smart and sustainable technologies for cities, improving networks and demand management mechanisms.
The new technologies that drive electrification along with renewables are designed to accelerate the energy transition and reduce greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions, leading to a significant improvement in the quality of life on Earth, for which it and future generations will THANK us all.