New home awaiting for White-tailed Sea Eagles

There are 20 nesting platforms for White-tailed Sea Eagles in the Don delta. These are constructions, on the basis of which the red-listed birds can build their nests. The platforms were installed with the support of the Azov wind farm (LLC Enel Rus Wind Azov).

White-tailed Sea Eagles are the largest birds of prey in the middle belt, listed in the Red Book of Russia. The weight of the eagle can reach 7 kg, body length - up to 98 cm, and wingspan - up to 250 cm. They live outside the territory of the Azov wind power plant. In order to support the rare raptors, the energy industry together with scientists decided to place structures where eagles could nest, in a specially protected natural area of regional importance - the natural park "Donskoy".

A pair of eagles chooses a tall tree to build their nest, and the "house" is usually placed high - 15-20 meters from the ground. The nest is used from year to year; birds gradually renovate and complete it, and as a result, the structure may reach several meters in height. A pair of eagles may have several nests in the same area, which they may change every year.

Nesting platforms are installed on trees in biotopes - places of natural habitat of the species. They are in places rarely disturbed by humans, away from populated areas, transport highways and industrial facilities. The nesting platform is a square frame about 1.2 meters wide, made of tree trunks 8-12 cm in diameter. In the center of the frame there are poles that are covered with decking. Power engineers and ornithologists expect that in coming spring, when eagles come to nest, the new "houses" will get their tenants.

It is worth recalling, that Azov WPP of LLC Enel Rus Wind Azov is the first wind farm of PJSC Enel Russia. It is put into commercial operation on May 1, 2021. The wind farm with installed capacity of 90 MW is equipped with 26 turbines and is located on 133 hectares in Azov district of the Rostov region. The annual production of electricity is about 300 million kWh of clean electricity for the needs of industrial enterprises and the population of the region.